Diamond Jewlery, Fine Diamond Jewlery, Discount Diamond Jewlery, DIamond Jewelry Rings, Diamond Jewelry Earrings, Diamond Jewelry Pendants, Diamond Jewelry Bracelets,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Diamond Jewlery, Fine Diamond Jewlery, Discount Diamond Jewlery, DIamond Jewelry Rings, Diamond Jewelry Earrings,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Jewelry Care Product
Gemcare Products cares about the future health of all people and our environment. Our natural cleaning products do not contain ammonia or alcohol cleaning ingredients. These natural cleaners are safe and gentle for all delicate gemstones and fine precious jewelry metals.
Diamonds and Pearls Jewelry Cleaner contains natural, renewable, sustainable, and non-toxic green cleaning ingredients and natural preservatives. Gemcare plant derived jewelry cleaning solution has been safely cleaning
all fine and fashion jewelry since 1989.
Natural Diamonds & Pearls Jewelry Cleaner cleans and restores the original glimmer, sparkle and shine to all fine and fashion gemstones. It is a diamond cleaner, a pearl cleaner, an opal cleaner, and an all other gemstone cleaner. Our natural cleaner is safe and gentle for the most delicate gemstones. It is known for being the very best natural solution for cleaning diamonds and pearls, emeralds, sapphires, opals, tanzanite and all other gemstones. You will say "wow" when you see the results.
Things have changed. Now when you need more liquid cleaner - just reorder our new Diamonds and Pearls eco-friendly refill capsules of pure cleaning concentrate. Empty the contents from one of our new refill capsule into the original jar and fill to the brim with filtered water. You keep your original plastic jar, jewelry soak basket and lid from your first order and we will send you new and improved refill capsule of concentrate.
Why continue to pay the shipping cost for sending more water? Why pay for another new plastic jar, basket and lid that will eventually end up in an local landfill dumps? Plastics are not biodegradable and they will stay in the ground forever. .
The newest concentrate capsules contain more cleaning power than ever! Another natural cleaner has been added to our safe ingredients list. Newly cleaned gemstones will now be even more breathtaking.
After cleaning gemstones with Diamonds and Pearls the restored newness appearance of all precious gemstones will make any tarnished jewelry metals look very conspicuous and obvious. Need to have your precious metals buffed? Dullness on any precious jewelry metal will obviously stand out when all of your gemstones glimmer and sparkle like brand new.
Radiance 2000 is your new polisher or dull tarnish remover. Safely remove the dullness or tarnish from all "hard" jewelry metals, including platinum, palladium, iridium and titanium jewelry.
Radiance 2000 Tarnish Remover does more than just clean these "hard" jewelry metals. It shines and glitters platinum as it removes brown tarnish and it removes black tarnish from "soft" yellow gold, white gold, and sterling silver. This unique metal cleaner is the natural key to creating glimmer and sparkle on yellow gold, white gold and sterling silver jewelry.
Remove the dullness or tarnish from any precious jewelry metals (including platinum and titanium) with Radiance 2000 Tarnish Remover, before you clean the entire piece with Diamond and Pearls Jewelry Cleaner.
Natural Radiance 2000 brings back the original jeweler buffed shine on all precious jewelry metals. This jewelry metal polish is key to restoring all fine jewelry metals and it does not remove any metal.
This tarnish remover is water based and it easily rinses with warm water. Radiance 2000 cleans and restores the newness look to all chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and many metal watch bands.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dispose of any such cleaner after 3 months. A home solution of one part mild detergent, one part household ammonia, & three parts water is also effective for many jewelry cleaning needs. Dry the jewelry with lint free towel. This method of cleaning is especially desirable 4 alexandrite, amethyst, ruby, andalusite, sapphire, aquamarine, citrine, tanzanite, diamond, garnet, tourmaline, iolite, moonstone, spinel, topaz, and zircon.
925 Silver Jewelry care
All stones and shells are hand picked with quality in mind, making each genuinely unique Silver Sea handcrafted silver jewelry will last a lifetime and with proper care can be passed from generation to generation.
Silver is one of the world's most useful metals as well one of the world's most valuable metals. Most silver jewelry silver combined with other metals typically, sterling silver consists of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. This makes it more suitable for wearable jewelry.
Wear your jewelry 2 help prevent tarnish; wearing and handling will slow the oxidation process & keep your silver shiny and new looking. Over time oxidation reactions will occur, especially with sulfur and oxygen, causing silver to become tarnished. Jewelry should be put on after make-up, hair product & perfumes are put on.
Minimize scratches and tarnishing storing your jewelry in cloth pouches, small plastic bags & in separate compartments in your jewelry box.
Gold & Diamond Jewelry Care
- Store your jewelry in a clean and dry place. you have antique or contemporary jewelry it is important that you take proper care of it. If you follow a few simple guidelines you can often prevent costly damage to your beautiful pieces of jewelry. Consider the following jewelry care tips it comes to properly caring for your jewelry
- There are many types of small machines on the market that will clean jewelry in a matter of minutes using high-frequency sound. These machines are called "ultrasonic cleaners" and are available in many different models and prices. They can be a convenient way to quickly clean your jewelry at home. However, ultrasonic cleaners can damage some jewelry. Your local jeweler can tell you if an ultrasonic cleaning machine is right for your jewelry wardrobe and, if it is, recommend an appropriate model.
- Keep your jewelry in a fabric-lined jewelry case, or in a box with compartments and dividers. If you prefer to use ordinary boxes, wrap each piece individually in soft tissue paper & Be sure to only clean one piece of jewelry at a time since even hard stones such as diamonds can be scratched. After cleaning and performing jewelry care,
- Don jumble your jewelry pieces in drawer or jewelry case Pieces can scratch each other. you have pearls you should wipe them with a soft, dry cloth after each time you wear them. Pearls should never be placed in an ultrasonic cleaner and you should also avoid using hair spray or perfume around pearls
- Be careful when removing your jewelry wash your hands. Do not leave your jewelry on the rim of a sink where it can easily slip down the drain. Gold, silver and platinum jewelry that aren’t fragile can also be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner Fragile jewelry will require more careful cleaning
- See your jeweler at least once a year to have your jewelry checked for loose prongs, worn mountings, and general wear and tear. Visit your jeweler every six months to have your jewelry professionally cleaned.
Clean Diamond Ring
Article By : http://jewelry.about.com
Cleaning a Diamond Ring
Hand lotions, hair styling products and everyday grime all leave enough of a film on your diamond ring to keep it from looking its best. And if you wait too long between cleanings, those materials can accumulate into a thick layer of gunk on the back of your diamond, blocking light and making the diamond appear dull and lifeless.Diamonds are the hardest substance known, but that doesn't mean we can bring them back to life with any old cleanser. Coatings and other materials used to enhance diamonds can sometimes be removed by harsh chemicals or vigorous scrubbing, so take care when it's time to make your diamond ring sparkle.
Gentle & Effective Ways to Clean Diamond Rings
- Soak your diamond ring in a warm solution of mild liquid detergent and water. Ivory dishwashing liquid is a good choice, but any other mild detergent is fine.
- Use a soft brush if necessary to remove dirt. Soft is the key -- don't use a brush with bristles that are stiff enough to scratch the ring's metal setting.
- Swish the ring around in the solution, and then rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Close the drain first, or put the ring in a strainer to keep from losing it!
- Dry the diamond ring with a lint-free cloth.
If the diamond and setting needs extra help, use a dental Water Pik to flush away small bits of grime. You can also use a wooden toothpick to very carefully push dirt away from the diamond and setting.
Cleaning Unfilled Diamonds
Diamonds that have not been fracture filled can be cleaned with a solution of ammonia and water.Use the gentler liquid detergent solution for fracture filled diamonds, because ammonia might eventually either cloud or remove the coating that's been placed on the gemstone.